Define Internal Ledger Posting Methods


Use this activity to define posting methods to be used for the internal ledger. The posting methods are used when transactions are created outside the Internal Ledger.

Specify the accounts for which the methods are valid. Enter a percent sign (%) if the method is to apply to all accounts or, e.g.,  3% if the method is to apply to all accounts beginning with 3.

Select the handling method as Include or Exclude.

If Include is chosen as handling for the method type, select the appropriate Posting Method for each used code part in the Internal Ledger as Keep, Block, Fixed or Manual.

Specify the validity interval for the posting method.

If the Method Type Fixed is selected for one or more code parts, in Internal Posting Method Details specify the details.


Before the posting method information is entered, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the transactions for the internal ledger are created according to the posting methods information in IFS Financials.