Define Internal Ledger


This activity is used to create internal ledgers to be used in the company. You can enter and change information on existing internal ledgers, and the integration between the internal ledger and the general ledger can be specified.

Enable Only Method Keep, if you want only the Keep posting method available for the internal ledger posting methods.

Enable GL Period Allocation, GL Automatic Posting and GL Periodical Cost Allocation, if you want to copy respective transactions related to General Ledger to the Internal Ledger.

Enable Ensure FA Acquisitions, if you want the Internal Ledger to be updated whenever there are acquisition transactions generated in IFS/Fixed Assets.

Specify what voucher types should be considered when account matching is carried out for the Internal Ledger (based on the ledger to which they are connected) by selecting a value for the IL Account Matching Method field.

Enable Include in Currency Revaluation to enable currency revaluation function for the Internal Ledger.

Based on Code Part Demands Validation field, system will validate code parts as follows;

Enable Validate Combination Rules option to validate the internal ledger postings against the combination rules defined in the Combination Rules page.


In order to perform this activity, Internal Ledger must be in use.

To enable IL Project Accounting, code part allocated for project accounting should be used in internal ledger. This need be selected in the Internal Code Parts page.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, it will be possible to set up other basic data for this such as user per internal ledger, internal code parts and internal posting methods.