Enter Tax Code


This activity is used to enter or update tax code information. A tax code cannot be deleted if it has been used in the system. This task is required and must be performed by a system administrator or a person of an equivalent authority.

Enter the tax amount limit to be applied for the tax code (if applicable), in the Tax Amount Limit in Accounting Currency field. The amount entered in this field will be checked against the customer invoice lines using this tax code and if the tax amount for the invoice line is within the specified limit, tax will not be posted for the invoice line.
Note: Tax amount limit is not applied if an outgoing invoice contains an invoice line with a Tax Calculation Structure. Tax amount limit is not supported when using an External Tax Calculation Method as Vertex, do not enter tax amount limit for the generic tax codes that is used for the external tax system.

Tax Reporting Category field indicates whether the tax code is being used for the supply of goods, services or tripartite trade, within the EU.


This activity requires that a company exists in IFS Financials.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the tax code information can be used in IFS/Invoicing, IFS/Payment, and IFS Accounting Rules.