The Define Financial Basics main process starts with the activities for the entering user information. These activities concerns information about the users who will work on the various components in IFS Applications. A user with the identity for "application owner" is created when a new company is created. When entering users per company, log in as the application owner. Ask your system manager for more information.
The system can handle several user groups per company. Enter information on the user groups before using the system. Two user groups are created automatically when a new company is created, user group AC, and user group YE. A user must be linked to at least one user group before the user can start using the system.
The system allows users to have access to several companies at one time, but each user must be linked to a default company. The default company is automatically displayed when you start IFS Financials. If a user wants to work for extended times with several functions in a different company, the default company can be changed. If a user needs to work with a different company during one work session, the user can temporarily change company from a page with company name. Click on the company name on top right hand corner of the page, select the company and click Apply. This operation changes the company in the open page only. If you want to change company for all pages, you can select Apply Changes to all Pages.
In the Users per Company page in IFS/Accounting Rules, select the company to which the user will have access. The system allows you to use several companies at once. A user can have access to several companies, but each user must be linked to a default company. The default company is automatically displayed when you start IFS Financials.
The User Groups page in IFS/Accounting Rules contains information on user groups in IFS. The system can handle several user groups per company. The user groups are used for three different purposes:
In the Users per User Group page, a default user group for each user is entered. A user can belong to several user groups, but must belong to a default user group. This controls the default voucher types in different entry pages and the accounting periods that are open. If a user wants to work for an extended period with the choices available in a different user group, the default user group can be changed in this page. Link each user to a user group. A user with the identity for the "application owner", linked to the user group AC, is created automatically when a company is created.