Workflow Configuration

Workflow Configuration allows configuring the workflow and actions according to requirements of mobile users. The configuration is done in IFS Cloud Web. It is possible to enable or disable actions and processes available in the mobile clients, hide actions (e.g. Returns or Pictures) or make actions mandatory (i.e. signature must be provided before work assignment can be completed).

To define when a specific workflow should be applied, use the Filters tab to define the selection criteria for the configuration. The filter parameters can vary based on the selected Configuration Type. A workflow configuration is applied only if the workflow filter criteria is met. For instance when the Object Type of an Object is "Boiler", the Work Type of a task is "Corrective" or when the Maint Org of an Person Resource is "Electrical Department".

All active configurations are synchronized to IFS Mobile Clients upon activating the device.

Define Workflow Configuration

The Configuration Type indicates the processes and actions that are available to be configured.

The Weight defined on a configuration determines which configuration is applied when there are multiple valid configurations. Weight is applicable only for configurations types Work Task and Configured Work Task. If there is more than one valid configuration, the highest weight wins i.e. the workflow with the highest weight value gets applied.

Workflow Configurations can be applied for both Technician Portals and Mobile Work Order. Select the relevant option in the Used In field.

Configure Workflow for Configuration Types - Work Task and Configured Work Tasks

Use Filters tab to define the filter criteria for the configuration applied to Work Tasks in mobile device. Add the pre-defined Maintenance Surveys in the eForms tab.  Enter the Maintenance Organization and Maintenance Organization Site of the work tasks that the configuration should be applied to in the Sites tab.  

Note: The Work Type defined in the Filters tab only applies to Work Order related Work Tasks and is ignored when the same configuration is applied to Request Tasks. Similarly, the Activity Type defined in the Filters tab only applies to Request Tasks, and the Activity Type is ignored when the same configuration is applied to a Work Order Work Task.

Configured Work Tasks

Actions Flow page is enabled for Configuration Type Configured Work Task. In here it is possible to define a forced workflow following a certain set sequence of actions, which will help guide the user through steps relevant for that particular workflow. eForms (Maintenance Surveys) are enabled for certain actions such as status changes and eForms. These surveys must be defined with Workflow Type - Configured Workflow and first registered under eForms tab.
It is possible to add a termination action in the eForm Termination field in the Actions Flow tab. This enables the user to deviate or terminate the workflow via termination question.

Following eForm Termination actions are supported. If no terminating action has been defined, the workflow continues as normal.

When working with material, a limited set of parts can be presented to the user by using assortments. For material related actions in the Actions Flow tab, one or more assortments can be defined in the Assortments field. When an assortment is defined only parts within that assortment will be available for use, for that particular action.

Workflow Actions

The following Workflow Actions are available to configure on Work Tasks. All actions are enabled by default. Disable actions that are not used. If you want to enforce mobile technicians to perform certain actions, select Mandatory on these actions.

Action Description
Edit Work Assignment Enables editing work assignment details
Multiple Work Assignments Restricts processing multiple work assignments with the same workflow configuration applied
Connected Work Assignments Shows connected work assignments to a work task
Keep Work Assignment after completion Enables keeping work assignment on the device until it is ready to return
Auto Time Enables Automatic Time Reporting (Travel and Work)
Return Travel Time Enables Return Travel  action when completing an assignment, which will automatically create a time report for the travel.
Surveys Enables eForms action on assignment if at least one survey with Workflow Type - Work Assignment is connected to the workflow configuration applied. If this is set as mandatory, all eForms with Workflow Type - Work Assignment should be answered before completing the work assignment.
Debrief Enables Debrief action
Reports Enables viewing the Service Report or Work Report from Work Assignments
Attachments Enables adding and viewing attachments. If this is set as mandatory, there has to be at least one attachment linked to the task before completing the work assignment
Events Enables Events action. This allows viewing Work Assignment and Task events and adding manual events.
Work Order Enables Work Order action to view Work Order information
Tools and Facilities Enables Tools action to plan, view or report tool/equipment used.
Time Enables Time action to add, view or edit time reports
Task Steps Enables Steps action to view, process or add task steps
Service Book/Log Book Enables Service Book action in the Service app and Log Book in the Maintenance App
Returns Enables Returns action to view returned parts or plan parts to return
Purchase Request Enables Purchase Requisitions action
Measurements Enables Measurements action
Materials Enables Materials action. If this is set as mandatory, at least one part should be issued before completing the work assignment
Expenses Enables Expenses action to report expenses
Cancel Enables Cancel action
Allow Travel Enables Travel action
Allow Pending Completion Enables Pending Completion action on assignments in Started status
Allow Re-Start from Pending Completion Enables Start command on the assignments in Pending Completion status
Allow Pause Enables Pause Travel action assignments in On Route status or Pause action on assignments in Started Status
Allow Handover Valid only for Maintenance Tech Portal
Waiting at Location Enables Waiting at Location Action after travel started
Incomplete Enables Incomplete action
Allow Accept Enables Accept action. When disabled, the work task is automatically accepted from Assigned status.
Engineer Signature Enables capturing engineer signature in the workflow. If this is set as mandatory, the fields Executed Signed By and Executed Signature should be filled in before completing the work assignment
Report In Task Wizard Enables Report In assistant. If disabled, the assignment will be directly set to Completed on completion. If this is set as mandatory, the fields Fault Type, Cause, Performed Action and Fault Class should be filled in to proceed with the wizard
Mobile Report Before Customer Signature Enables viewing Service Report or Work Report before adding customer signature
Customer Signature Enables capturing customer signature in the workflow. If this is set as mandatory, the fields Customer Signed By and Customer Signature should be filled in before completing the work assignment
Mobile Report After Engineer Signature Enables viewing Service Report or Work Report after adding engineer signature
New Task Enables Additional Work action
New Work Assignment Enables creating a new work assignment when setting a work assignment to Incomplete to continue with remaining work. If this is set as mandatory, a new work assignment must be created when setting the assignment to Incomplete
New Work Order / Request Scope Enables creating New Work Order or New Request Scope
Issue Materials Enables the following actions.
 Issue action under Required Material and Reserved Material  
 Receive and Issue action under Receive Reserved Parts  
Actions Issue All Reserved , Scan and Issue and Quick Issue (Spares and Stock) are not affected. When setting this action to Not Used, user gets a prompt to set Actions Issue All Reserved Material, Scan and Issue and Direct Issue Material also to Not Used
Issue All Reserved Materials Enables Issue All Reserved action. This issues all reserved material on a Work Task
Scan And Issue Enables Scan and Issue action for Material
Plan Materials Enables adding new material demands on Work Tasks
Direct Issue Materials Enables Quick Issue -Stock and Quick Issue - Spares actions to enable direct issue of parts
Allow Future Return Travel Enables Add Return Travel action while completing an assignment. This allows reporting future time for return travel
Unreserve Materials Enables Handle Unused Parts action on reserved material. Parts that were not used for the job can be unreserved , moved to own stock or to a central warehouse depending on location reserved.
Add Highlight to Dispatcher Enables Highlight to Dispatcher action on Work Assignment to draw the attention of a Dispatcher to a specific Work Assignment.
Update Expected Arrival Time Enables Update Expected Arrival Time action for a Work Assignment.


Configure Workflow for Configuration Type - Person Resource

In the Actions tab, select the required actions that you want to enable for a set of resources. If any eForms need to be filled in, add them in the EForms tab. Enter the resources that this configuration should be applied in the Access tab.

Workflow Actions

Following Workflow Actions are available to enable or disable for resources. Disable actions that are not used. In the Access tab, enter the set of resources that the configuration should be applied to. Leave the Maintenance Organization field blank to make a configuration valid for all resources in a particular Maintenance Organization Site .

Action Description
Allow Add New Work Order / Service Request Enables New Work action from Home page, Objects, Work Assignments  and Task Steps
Allow Create / Update Map Positions Enables action Create Map Position or Update Map Position on tasks and objects.
Allow Create/View Request Quotations Enables New Request Quotations and Request Quotations tiles in the Home screen and the actions on Objects page. This allows creating new Request Quotations and view Request quotations created by the technician.
Allow Meter Change Enables Meter Change action on objects with test points and parameters defined
Allow Meter Rollover Enables Meter Rollover action on objects with test points and parameters defined
Allow report none Absences categories in Misc Allocations Enables the user to report a Misc. Allocation Category with the property Absence set to No
Allow Pool Work Enables Pool Work tile in Home Screen so that tasks can be accepted from pool
Allow Receive Reserved Parts Enables Receive Reserved Parts action
Allow Handover of Parts from My Stock Enables Move to Main Warehouse action on My Stock. This allows moving unreserved parts to main (central) warehouse directly
Allow Release Service Quotation Enables Release and Return action on Service Quotations
Allow Return of Unreserved Parts from Service Location Enables Return from Service Location action in Material. This allows returning unused parts left in service location
Allow Service Sales Enables processing the option Plan a scope for reviewing and showing Scope Review menu item
Allow Stock Move Add Transport Tasks Enables Add Transport Tasks action in Move Stock
Allow Stock Move Incoming Stock Enables actions  on Incoming Stock- In Transit and Incoming Sock - Direct in Stock Move
Allow Stock Move Planned Incoming Transport Tasks Enables action Planned Incoming Transport Tasks
Allow Stock Move Unplanned Incoming Stock Enables action Unplanned Incoming Stock in Move Stock
Allow Stock Move Unplanned Outgoing Stock Enables action Unplanned Outgoing Stock in Move Stock
Enforce Acknowledgement on Stock Count Submit Enables toggle for acknowledgment when confirming counted part lines. Technician has to acknowledge  that the counted part quantities are accurate before he can confirm
Enforce Part Validation If enabled, Part Numbers are validated on return
Ignore Shift Start Validation Disregards validation to enforce user to sign in for the shift before starting work
Restrict Self Assigning from Pool while Offline Restricts technician from accepting or starting tasks from Work Tasks pool while offline
Allow Set Attention Enables action Set Attention On/Off from the main menu to send an alert to the Dispatcher(s).


Configure Workflow for Configuration Type - Object

In the Filters tab, enter the filter criteria for the objects. The relevant eForms can be added in EForms tab. 

Configure Workflow for Configuration Type - New or Additional Work (Work Order)

E-forms can be triggered when creating new Work Orders or Work tasks on existing Work Orders. Enter the filter criteria in Filters tab and eForms that need to be triggered in EForms tab. Enter the Site and Maintenance Organisation of the Work Orders or Work Tasks in the Sites tab.

Configure Workflow for Configuration Type - New or Additional Service Work

E-forms can be triggered when adding new Service Requests and  new scope one existing requests. E-forms can also be triggered when creating additional work (i.e. Work Tasks) on existing Service Requests. Enter the filter criteria in Filters tab and eForms that need to be triggered in EForms tab. Enter the Service Organisation of Service Requests, new Scope or Work Tasks in the Service Organisations tab.