Create Unit


Use this activity to define a new unit of measure. The unit of measures can be used on parameters, technical attributes, etc. Approximately 300 predefined units from the ISO Code lists exist in the system. All entered units are connected to a base unit, i.e., a meter is the base unit for millimeter. The Factor field shows how to convert from a unit to its base unit, i.e., how many base units it will take to equal one unit. If a unit is a base unit itself, the same unit will be shown both in the Unit Code and the Base Unit fields. The Factor field will then contain the value one (1).

This activity can be performed on Units page in Maintenance Basic Data.


The user must be connected to a site. This must be performed in Site.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, a new unit is created and you can create entries with it on parameters and technical attributes.