Propagate Definitions to Child Item Classes


This activity is used to propagate definitions from a parent item class to item classes in lower levels of the structure. This is useful as attributes can be derived from the parent item class instead of entering them separately for each child item class. For example, if there is a parent item class named pump, there could be child item classes named centrifugal pump and diaphragm pump which can inherit the functions, fault types, symptoms, causes, failing components and corrective actions connected to the parent item class.

If components or functions which are already used on a work order are deleted from a parent item class, they will be deleted from the parent, but will remain on the actual item class used on the work order and will be displayed as native attributes on the item class. From the Failure Analysis Setup Navigator.


To perform this activity, an item class structure with definitions must exist.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the connections made to the item class are copied to its sub item classes.