Handle IUID in Part Serial IUID Information Page


Use this activity to view and handle the IUID codes which are automatically generated or inserted through Receive with Serials/Lots dialog. When the IUID requirement is enabled for the serial tracked parts with rule type as Type 1 or Type 2, during the receipt the IUID is generated or inserted while creating the Part Serial IUID Information page. If the rule type is ESN, VIN, GIAI or GRAI, the Part Serial IUID Information records are created but IUID value will not be automatically generated as IUID generate logic is not supported for above four types. But, using the Receive with Serials/Lots dialog it is possible to insert the IUID/UII value and it will be saved in the Part Serial IUID Information page.

If following information are available in the Part Serial IUID Information record, then it will be automatically set to Released status.

If relevant information is missing, then it will not be able to insert the IUID/UII values to the iRAPT report. Only the Released IUID/UII values can be uploaded to the iRAPT report.

Part Serial IUID Information record can be created manually as well for the part serial records which are created before enabling the IUID requirement. But creating the record manually will not trigger the logic for generating the IUID. When the IUID value is null for a record with rule type as Type 1 or Type 2, then a command to generate IUID will be enabled. It is possible to use this command to generate IUIDs based on rule type 1 or 2. If not the IUID value can be inserted as well.

If the Label Status is Required and number of Verification Steps Required has a value, then there is a requirement of verifying the IUID at several steps. During IUID verification, the verification command will populate the IUID Verification dialog and the IUID in the IUID label is inserted. If the inserted IUID value is matching with the IUID value in Part Serial IUID Information page, then it will inform that verification is successful and the Number of Verified Steps will be incremented. The IUID value can be reassigned to another part serial combination as well. The Reassign command will populated the Reassign IUID dialog and a new part serial combination can be selected to reassign the IUID value. When the reassign command is preformed, the IUID will be removed from the original record while updating the Current IUID Status section and IUID status is changed to Reassigned. The IUID value is a unique value which cannot be duplicated, and it has one to one relationship with the part serial value. Any change done at the Part Serial IUID Information page is tracked at Part Serial IUID History page.


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