Import Data to Demand Planning

To support importing of data there has been made a LU dedicated to do this task, it is called FORECAST_DAY_IMPORT.

The import processes is as follows:

Data which can be imported



Below are the fields you can import data to in the FORECAST_DAY_IMPORT LU/view

FLOW_ID Contains the FLOW_ID for the flow you want to import to, note only base flows can be used. Mandatory Field.
PART_NO Contains the PART_NO for the part you want to import. Must match part no found in PART CATALOG. Mandatory Field.
FORECAST_ID The scenarion id to import, main scenarion set this one to 0.
START_DATE The first date of the period. Mandatory Field.
END_DATE The last date of the period. Mandatory Field.
FORECAST The forecast (in inventory units), if it not null then the start date and end date has to be in the current forecast range. If forecast should not be imported then set it to NULL.
HISTORICAL_DEMAND The historical demand (in inventory units), allowed range for the start and end date is the entire range from the first history period (that is the maximum historical length is 36 and we have 12 period per year then it is possible to import data 3 years back in time from the current period) and to the present period. If historical demand should not be imported then it should be set to NULL.
ADJUSTED_DEMAND The adjusted demand (in inventory units), allowed range for the start and end date is the entire range from the first history period (that is the maximum historical length is 36 and we have 12 period per year then it is possible to import data 3 years back in time from the current period) and to the present period. If historical demand should not be imported then it should be set to NULL.
EVENT The Event (in inventory units), allowed ranges for the start and end date is the entire range from the first history period to the last forecast period. If event should not be imported it should be set to NULL.
BUDGET The budget (in inventory units) to be imported. Allowed ranges for the start and end date is the entire range from the first history period to the last forecast period. If budget should not be imported it should be set to NULL.
TARGET_SALES_PLAN The target sales plan(in inventory units) to be imported. Allowed ranges for the start and end date is the entire range from the first history period to the last forecast period. If target sales plan should not be imported it should be set to NULL.
PERIOD_PRICE The period price is imported. Allowed ranges for the start of history to the last forecast period. If Period Price should not be imported it should be set to NULL.
STATUS Translated status do not import to this field. New or Null records will be imported, Error and Warning indicates that there was a problem when importing this records and these will not be imported again.
STATUS_DB Untranslated Status field, do not import to this field
MESSAGE Message about why this record is not imported or warning message


Its not possible to import forecast in weeks and budget in months in one go, in this case you either need to import the forecast in the first import job and then import the budget in the next. Or you need to split the budget in weeks and import it together with the forecast.

When importing forecast parts you can only import the flow id and the part number not any of the many parameters that exist on forecast part.

Importing data to FORECAST_DAY_IMPORT

There is a number of ways to fill FORECAST_DAY_IMPORT with data. One of them is to use IFS Data Migration, this tool can in turn be used in a number of different ways se IFS Data Migraion help for details on IFS Data Migration. You can also use other tools to get the data into FORECAST_DAY_IMPORT how this is done does not matter for the import proccess in the Demand Plan Server. After the External Import job has been ran the contents of the FORECAST_DAY_IMPORT vill be empty if the import was a success, if there are any records left these have not been imported and the MESSAGE field will state the reason for the import failing.