About Publishing and Demand Forecast Status

To be able to work with the forecast, the forecast flow/part needs to be published to the logged on user, and this is done in the Publish Forecast page. The published flow/parts will continue to be published to the user until they are removed. The publishing can be done for both parts and groups. There are three different access levels for the publishing:

Publishing of a group can be done, simply add the group filed combination and set the access level (Read Only, Collaborative, Evaluator or Full access). The published forecast also have to be in status Released or Reviewed to be accessible if you publish then in any of the other access levels than Full Access. This is to support a collaborate forecasting process where you want to prevent that the forecast is changed in the Demand Forecast page before it is ready. Releasing of a forecast part (changing the status) is done from the Demand Plan Client by a demand planner or from the Demand Forecast client when the part is published with full access to the user. The parts can have three different statuses:

The forecast can be created either in the Locked or Released status when the Create Forecast job runs. This is done in the demand forecast server schedule settings. The user will have to actively change the status in the Demand Forecast page. The statuses can be used to create a simple work flow for adjusting the forecast. All forecasts can be seen regardless of the status in the Demand Plan Client/Demand Forecast (with Full Access) and the statuses can be changed. The status on a group is the aggregate status for all included parts with priority Locked, Released and Reviewed. For example, if a group has two parts, one in Locked status and the other in Reviewed status, the group status will be Locked. If the status is changed to Released on the group level, all the included parts will have the status Released.