Change Timeline


 Use this functionality to view and adjust the forecast in different periods. available periods are:

One of the periods will be marked as Standard in the dropt down list like Standard (Monthly), this indicates that monthly period version is selected as the period version for the Demand Plan Server. Note that this is the and 'larger' TimeLine period versions will be the only period versions that will show accurate historical data numbers. E.g. if you have mounts as the standard period version, mounts and quarters will be the only Timeline periods that will have accurate historical data numbers. The 'lower' periods selections like Daily and Weekly will have the same qty for each day/week within a month. Only Adjusted Forecast and Events lines/columns can be adjusted in any of the non Standard TimeLine periods selections. For the Standard period selection you can also change the Adjusted Demand, Budget and Target Sales Plan numbers (only in the Forecast Table).


System Effects

The Forecast Graph and Forecast Table will show the data in the selected period resolution and the data can be changed in the selected period resolution.