Copy Down


Use this dialog box to decide which forecast part fields should be copied into the parts belonging to the current group / query selection, or base flow parts connected to the selected combined flow part. You can also control values and what ranges to be copied into adjsuted forecast.

Adjust Forecast Settings

Value To Copy:

System to adjusted: If selected, the Adjusted Forecast is set so that it is equal to the System Forecast of the base flow parts belonging to the current group /  combined flow part selection.

Budget to adjusted: If  selected, the Adjusted Forecast is set so that it is equal to the Budget of the base flow parts belonging to the current group / combined flow part selection.

Target Sales Plan to adjusted: If selected, the Adjusted Forecast is set so that it is equal to the Target Sales Plan of the base flow parts belonging to the current group / combined flow part selection.

Adjusted to Budget: If selected, the Budget is set so that it is equal to the Adjusted Forecast of the base flow parts belonging to the current group / combined flow part selection.

Adjusted to Target Sales Plan: If selected, the Target Sales Plan is set so that it is equal to the Adjusted Forecast of the base flow parts belonging to the current group / combined flow part selection.

From period: Here you can set the start period of the Copy Functions mentioned above.

To period: Here you can set the stop period of the Copy Functions mentioned above copy process. This will be the last period where the line is changed.

Event Cleansing Settings

For cleansing the adjusted demand on periods that has event values set, the following options are avalible:

Substraction: If selected the Adjusted Demand for the period is set equal to the Demand - Event. (Adjusted Demand[Period i] = Demand[Period i] - Event[Period i].

Set to Explanation Forecast: If selected the Adjusted Demand for the period is set equal to the Explanation Forecast number for the period. (Adjusted Demand[Period i] = Explanation Forecst[Period i]. Setting Adjusted Demand to this value should not affect the forecast in any direction (positive nor negative).


The following fields on forecast part can be set:

Forecast Model: Forecast Model field is copied down to the forecast model field on the base flow parts belonging to the current group selection or combined flow part selected.

Moving average periods: Moving Average Periods field is copied down to the moving average periods field of the base flow parts belonging to the current group selection or combined flow part selected.

Alpha: Alpha field is copied down to the alpha field of the base flow parts belonging to the current group selection or combined flow part selected.

Beta: Beta field is copied down to the beta field of the base flow parts belonging to the current group selection or combined flow part selected.

Rho:s Rho field is copied down to the rho field of the base flow parts belonging to the current group selection or combined flow part selected.

Season profile: Seasonal Profile field is copied down to the seasonal profile field of the base flow parts belonging to the current group selection or combined flow part selected.

Weekly Profile: Weekly Profile filed is copied down to the weekly profile filed of the base flow parts belonging to the current group selection or combined flow part selected.

Movable Holiday: Moveable Holiday field is copied down to the movable hiloday field of the base flow parts belonging to the current group selection or combined flow part selected.

Holiday Mix Factor: Holiday Mix Factor field is copied down to the hiloday mix factor field of the base flow parts belonging to the current group selection or combined flow part selected.

Inheritance: Inheritance field is copied down to the inhertiance field of the base flow parts belonging to the current group selection or combined flow part selected.

Phase In Start: Phase In Start field is copied down to the phase in start field of the base flow parts belonging to the current group selection or combined flow part selected.

Phase In Length: Phase In Length field is copied down to the phase in length field of the base flow parts belonging to the current group selection or combined flow part selected.

Phase Out Stop: Phase In Stop field is copied down to the phase in stop field of the base flow parts beloning to the current group selection or combined flow part selected.

Phase Out Length: Phase Out Length field is copied down to the phase out length field of the base flow parts belonging to the current group selection or combined flow part selected.

Saturation: Saturation field is copied down to the saturation field of the base flow parts belonging to the current group selection or combined flow part selected.

Start Level: Start Level field is copied down to the start level field of the base flow parts belonging to the current group selection or combined flow part selected.

Status: The status to be set on the base flow parts belonging to the current group selection or combined flow part selected.

Delta: Delta field is copied down to the Delta fields of the parts belonging to the current group selection or combined flow part selected.


System Effects

Selected fiels and values are copied into the base flow parts, from either the selected combiend flow part, or from the group level/query selected.