Handle Weekly Profile


Working/Analyzing weekly forecast distribution are done in 2 different places Weekly Graph or the Weekly Table/Details, we will start by looking at the Weekly Graph.

Weekly Graph

Use this window to create, view, or edit existing weekly profiles. The number of x axis marks is seven equal to the number of days in a week.

The weekly profile show'n in the graph and table/detail is determined by the weekly profile selected from the weekly Profile selection field in the Staus bar. The default weekly profile selected is the same as the weekly profile set on the part selected.

After changes have been made to the day indexes, they must be normalized, i.e., recalculated so that their sum becomes equal to the number of days in a week. A detailed description can be found in About Weekly Profile. This normalization is done automaticaly when changing the indexes.

Element Color Read/Write Description
System profile Read-only A mathematical weekly profile calculated by the computer, based on the current weekly sales distribution on the items using the profile. The system profile will be calculated/updated during the create forecast job, based on the weekly distribution on the parts usigng the profile at the time of execution. The sytem profile will be set equal to the weekly profile drawn when creating a new weekly profile.
Weekly profile Write This is the weekly profile used in the forecast models. It can be edited freely.

Graph adjustments

The daily indexes may be altered directly in the graph by dragging the period values. If the Notes function is activated, the system presents the value of the period elements as they are dragged.  Advanced graphical adjustments are possible if you use the Ctrl and Shift buttons when dragging.

Key Name Description
- Single period Individual index values may be raised or lowered to a new value directly in the graph.
Shift Straight line Drag an index value to the the right while holding the Shift key to arrange the elements in a straight line from the initial position of the period to where it was finally dropped.
Ctrl Level Drag any period value while holding down the Ctrl key to raise or lower all periods.
Shift+Ctrl Free Draw Draw a free curve while holding the Shift+Ctrl keys to arrange the periods along that curve.

Weekly Details/Table

Use this window to create, view, or edit existing weekly profiles in tabular form. Table values may be entered manually, copied from the system profile, or copied and pasted from another table or spreadsheet.

The table contains:

Rows: One row for each day in the week, labeled from Monday/Sunday to Sunday/Monday, depending on weekday the week starts.
Adjusted: The value for the daily index for the day.
System: The value for the system index for that day.



System Effects

Weekly profile is added/created, deleted or changed