Verify Off Log Structure


This activity is used to analyze a structure that is currently disassembled. Ideally, this activity should be performed prior to the initiation of the structure assembly process. The purpose of this activity is to ensure that the Off Log structure is correct.

First and foremost, you need to identify new serials in the Off Log, and define appropriate maintenance events for these serials and the belonging structures. An Off Log contains details on the serials that have been disassembled as well as details on the serials included in the structures of the disassembled serials. Furthermore, this activity can be used to change work scope events when an interim order structure is released, and disassembly is in progress.

To verify the actual off log for the visit, click the Actual Off Log tab in any of the pages listed under the Pages section. Details of the serial structure of the overhaul object will be displayed in the tab. If for some reason a structure mismatch occurs, for instance the details in an Off Log differ to the details you (the Engineer) believe should be displayed in the Off Log, serial parts that are not already disassembled in the structure can be adjusted in IFS/Fleet and Asset Management.

Different Part Found scenarios in an Off Log Structure

Due to certain circumstances you may have to receive an unexpected serial(s) to the Off Log. Unexpected in that the serial(s) received is different to the serial(s) expected for the Off Log. This is generally referred to as a DPF (Different Part Found) scenario. Different part found scenarios are identified and resolved through this activity. When a DPF occurs against a position part (or structure position) that has more than one serial part, the system cannot automatically identify the serial that ought to be removed from the work scope. For that reason you need to manually map the expected and new serials against each other.

If all expected serials have been received in the work scope or in other words if DPFs do not exist, the received and expected serials are mapped automatically.

If you have received different serials than expected for position parts (or structure positions) having serialized parts with quantity higher than one, or receiving the same serial as expected, but in a different place in the structure, you need to manually map the serials. To do this, use the Map Expected and Received Serials assistant. This assistant can be accessed from the Actual Off Log tab found in the pages listed under the Pages section. Once the interim order structure is released, the system will populate the Expected Serials before Disassembly list with all serial parts that are in exposed positions of the structure. The serials (including its structure) you receive due to a DPF will be populated in the Serials received during Disassembly list. When this is done, it will be possible to update the actual off log by transferring these part records. A received serial is removed from the mapping list once it is unreceived from the shop order. Following is a description of the data filters and options available in this assistant:



 If new serials are received during disassembly, and events have been defined for these serials, you are required to perform the serial mapping event for the work scope.

Add Events to the Work Scope

Next, you will need to evaluate and add modifications and life limited events applicable for the new serials found during disassembly.

Add maintenance events applicable for the new serials/components found during disassembly. This can be done using the Assign Maintenance Events to Work Scope assistant. This assistant can be accessed from the Manage Work Scope Events page.


System Effects