Include and Exclude Disposition Line Modifications


You can specify the modifications to be performed on the part being dispositioned, on the Modifications tab. Select Included in the Mod Included field to include the repair codes defined with that modification or Excluded to exclude the repair codes defined for that modification.

The event list generated from the work scope process may indicate modifications to be performed. These modifications will indicate the actual parts affected by the modification. If the part being inspected is one of these affected parts for the modification, then the modification may be required to be performed on the part. You can identify that all, some, or none of the indicated modifications are to be performed on the part being dispositioned.

There might be several reasons that a user might wish to exclude a modification. For example, if the modification had not been reported as performed for the assigned part, but the actual affected part received from disassembly already had the modification performed, the user would exclude the modification for that disposition line.Excluding a modification on a disposition line will also exclude the modification from work scope, but excluded modifications will still need to be addressed during event sign off and during the final conformancy check. Excluding a modification means that the repair codes called out by the modification for this part will not be implemented.

You cannot add new modifications to the work scope as a part of this activity.


This activity requires the existence of a disposition line on a disposition shop order. It also requires the existence of modifications defined for the part being dispositioned.

System Effects

As a result of this activity the specific modifications will be included or excluded. The repair codes associated with the modifications that the user included will be used in creating the repair shop order when the disposition line is approved.