Update Task drop percentage by Latest Finish


This Activity is used to regulate the urgency in scheduling the Work Tasks. It is achieved by adjusting the Task drop (%) defined on the Maintenance Planning and Scheduling Dataset. The default Task drop percentage is 30%. Task drop (%) value will be overridden by Event drop (%) if the Work Task is connected to an Event Period.


System Effects

When the Task drop (%) is high it gives a high incentive to schedule Work Tasks as soon as possible (to be able to be scheduled as soon as possible, having a relatively high base value is important. Otherwise Work Task may get unscheduled). General recommendation is to to keep a higher Task drop (%) than PM drop(%), Event drop (%).


Below graphs illustrates how base value drops within 10 days for the same Work Task when two different Task drop (%) are applied.

Earliest Start : 1 - December

Latest Finish : 10 - December

Task drop 30%

Figure 1

When the Task drop percentage is high, the value drops rapidly with time. Hence PSO has to schedule it in earliest possible time slot to preserve the value.

Task drop 0.5%

Figure 2

When the Task drop percentage is low, the value drop is minimal with time. Hence PSO has the capability to push work to a later day and allow other important work to use early time slots.