Update Task Value Configuration


This activity is used to assign the scheduling priority of Work Tasks. It is achieved by adjusting the Base Value per Hour value defined on the Maintenance Planning and Scheduling Dataset page. The default base value defined on the Dataset is assigned to all the Work Tasks planned using the Maintenance Planning and Scheduling Dataset. That value can be overridden by defining separate hourly base values on Work Type/ Priority/ Object Criticality/ Event after enabling those tabs in the Maintenance Planning and Scheduling Dataset page.


System Effects

Work tasks with higher calculated base value (Base Value per Hour * Duration) has a higher probability of getting scheduled, over the Work Tasks that have a lower value.


Work Planning and Scheduling Dataset configuration:

  per hour Base Value
Default 20000
Work Type = 80 30000
Priority      = 1 50000

Work Task configuration:

Work Task No.  Duration Work Type Priority Configured Task Value Result
1100 1     20000
1200 1 80   30000
1300 1 80 1 30000 + 50000 = 80000

For above example data, Task No 1300 has the highest probability of getting scheduled and Task No 1100 has the lowest probability.