Enter General Equipment Information


Use this activity to enter general object information. You can, for example, enter type designation, object type, category, object group, cost center, area/zone, deck/floor, room, item class, manufacturer, and so on.

If an object type is entered for the object, it inherits the technical attributes, that have been connected to the object type. These are shown in the Technical Data tab. If a type designation is entered for the object, it inherits the technical attributes that have been connected to the type designation. These are shown in the Type Designation tab. The connection between the object type, type designation, and attributes is performed in Equipment Basic Data

Note: You cannot manually enable or disable the options in the Functional Object Has, Serial Object Has, and Type Designation Has area. These are automatically enabled by the system when appropriate information has been entered.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, some general additional equipment object information is entered on the object.