Update Business Opportunity or Sales Quotation


You can update business opportunity- or sales quotation lines if the estimate process is started from either a business opportunity or a sales quotation. In the Versions section, click Update Connected Objects. When an estimate is created based on existing business opportunity- or sales quotation lines then are the deliverable lines established at creation of the estimate, with a pegging to the corresponding opportunity- or quotation lines. This means that the connection is already there before the estimate process has even started, it is just a matter of updating the pegged lines when the default version is Confirmed.

If new top items are added to an estimate it has the following impact;

Cost- and price values are updated for the lines with a connection since previous. For top items added after creation of the estimate new opportunity- or quotation lines are established based on the Confirmed calculation.

Note: If the part number/item name is changed for a top item which has a pegging to a business opportunity line then the connection remains. There is no prerequisite to keep the part number/item name in sync with sales part no and/or description defined for the business opportunity- or sales quotation lines. This isn’t any condition since a sales part number can be different from the inventory part number.


System Effects

As a result of this activity are;