Create Event Entity Configuration


This activity is used to define Event Entity Configuration which are used to in the Event Log, that can be linked to most pages in the application. A number of Event Entity Configurations are delivered out of the box to cover common scenarios such as status change, but you can define your own custom event definitions for any additional scenarios, if required. The Event Entity Configuration will merely control what is allowed to enter in the Event Log and for custom defined entries, the data in the Event Log will have to be created either through custom configuration or manually from the entity or entities it is defined for.

It is possible to disable both Application and Custom Defined events, if you no longer wish to use those.

The SLA Applicable flag is used to determine which Event can be used as triggers for SLAs e.g. start and fulfillement events.

The User Selectable flag control access to events when a user creates manual events through the client. If the User Selectable flag is set to No, the event will not be available to select in the New Event assistant.


System Effects