Purge Archived Event Log Records


This activity is used to purge/delete archived event log records, that are no longer needed for any purpose. The records will be permanently removed from the system and will not be possible to restore.

When purging data, it is possible to define 4 parameters as the selection criteria for what to purge/delete. Note: The dates are based on when the event log records where archived, not when they were created.

This activity can be performed as a scheduled task or executed online as a one-time action.

It is possible to schedule purging to run on a Daily, Weekly or Monthly basis, a specific date, an interval (e.g. every 12 hours) or to use a Custom Expression (e.g. DBMS_SCHEDULER syntax like "FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=JAN,JUL;BYMONTHDAY=21", which means every year on January 21 and July 21.)

Let's assume that it's 2023-08-01 (August 1, 2023) and there is a schedule set up to purge Entity SrvRequest (Request-related event log records) with a From Offset of -100 and a To Offset of -10. Event log records related to Requests, archived between 2023-04-23 (April 23, 2023) and 2023-07-22 (July 22, 2023) would be deleted. When this scheduled job would run the next day, event log records related to Requests, archived between 2023-04-24 (April 24, 2023) and 2023-07-23 (July 23, 2023) would be deleted, and so on.

It is important to note that the purging will only delete archived event log records and that the action is irreversible.


System Effects