Restore Archived Event Log Records


This activity is used to restore previously archived event log records. Restoring archived data can typically be useful when something has been incorrectly archived, or when previously completed work is re-opened and the event log records need to be restored. When restore is performed, the archived event log data will be moved back to the active event log table.

You can restore individual event log records from archive from the Event Log Archive screen. Search for the records you want to restore, select the records and hit the restore button. This action is recommended for low volumes as the action is executed online and will lock the screen until event log records are restored. 

When restoring larger amounts of event log records in bulk, the recommended approach is to do that from the Restore Event Log screen, where it is possible to define 4 parameters as the selection criteria for what to restore. Note: The dates are based on when the event log records where archived, not when they were created.

This activity can be performed as a scheduled task or executed online as a one-time action.

Although rarely required, it is possible to schedule the restore job and have it run on a Daily, Weekly or Monthly basis, on a specific date, at a certain an interval (e.g. every 12 hours) or to use a Custom Expression (e.g. DBMS_SCHEDULER syntax like "FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=JAN,JUL;BYMONTHDAY=21", which means every year on January 21 and July 21.)


System Effects