Rule Assignments for Expense Registration


This activity is used to link expense rules and travel request configurations to a specific employee or employee category in a company. Note that such rule assignments are only required if the default expense rule and/or the default travel configuration is not application to employees.

If an employee has a specific agreement in the employment contract, you must define the expense rules and connect the rules with the employee information in this page. The set of rules is not company-dependent.

The system will use the following order of priority:

  1. Company + Employee No
  2. Company + Employee Category
  3. Default

In Rule Assignments page, specify an employee category if you want the rule assignment to apply for all employees belonging to a category. Otherwise, you can specify an employee in the Employee field to define the assignment for one employee.


In order to perform this activity,

System Effects

As a result of this entry, the information in the expense form will be based on the connection to the selected Expense Rule with either the Company ID or Employee Category for the employee.