Register Mileage Limits


This activity is used to enter rules for mileage limits and mileage Information. When entering an expense sheet, the mileage quantity will be given the price connected to the first limit value up to this limit. Then the next limit and price will be considered etc. The calculated price is displayed in the Gross Amount field.


Limit    Price
 2000    2
 5000    1,5
90000   1

The first 2000 miles you receive the amount 2 per mile. From mile 2001 up to 5000 you get 1,5, from 5001 up to 90000 you get 1.
Above 90000 miles there is no money paid.

The mileage quantity is summarized for all travel expense sheets for each employee from the first date the mileage rule is valid until its last validity date.

When a limit is passed the expense sheet will recognize this and automatically use the correct mileage price. In the expense sheet this will be displayed with two mileage rows, one for each price.

In case you need to re-start your limit prices at a certain periodicity, e.g., every year, then you need to define new mileage codes for each period together with the relevant validity dates. All codes can then use the same mileage rule. When entering a travel expense sheet, the employee uses the mileage code valid for each period.

Register expense codes concerning mileage in Expense rule which can be used to report mileage related information in Expense Sheet. You can register limits as explained above for e.g. own car and company car. There is option to enter  Default Tax Lines for the mileage codes that will calculate the tax when they registered in the Expense Sheet/ Travel Request.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

This activity has no system effects.