Define Resource Requirements


This activity is used to define resource requirements on the resource group, which all connected individual resources of that group must fulfill, to be considerd valid for carrying out work in the group.

The requirements are defined on the resource group and checked against all connected individual resources for a specific period. Resource individuals can fulfill these requirements by having the corresponding value specified for the particular requirement. This could, for example, be a specific competency, certificate or other criteria that is important for the resources in the particular resource group.

Resource requirements are defined using data from different sources. The sources are system defined, and the available sources depend on installed modules. The selected source determines what information can be defined for that requirement. Select a Requirements Source, Requirement and Requirement Value, if applicable.

The Operator allows to further detail the conditions on the requirements such as =(Equal To), >(Greater Than) etc. and will be used when evaluating the fulfillment of the requirements.

Refer to About Resource Requirements documentation for more information.


The resource group must exist.

System Effects

Resource requirements fulfillment can be monitored to ensure that resources are consistent within the resource group.