Enter General Customer Order Info


This activity is used to define general customer order information. This mandatory task is to be performed by a system administrator or an equivalent person.

General order information includes defining the statistical group, invoice customer, price group, salesperson, discount type, and currency, and whether the specific customer should be a template customer. 

You can connect the customer to a statistical group in order to use the information in statistical reports. You can invoice customer orders to a company other than the customer's company, e.g., the parent company. You can also connect the customer to a predefined customer price group that is connected to a price list, and to a general discount type.

You can also define a central invoice customer record, and define backorder information, which may be changed on each specific customer order.

You can create a template from this customer's settings, which allows to quickly enter a customer order for an unregistered customer, and to quickly register a new customer based on the existing customer's settings. In so doing, customer information is automatically copied from the template customer to the new customer, while additional information is entered in the Quick Customer Registration page.

It is possible to consolidate rental invoice lines for serialized parts for specific customers. Depending on the company level consolidation parameter, you can select consolidate or avoid consolidation of rental invoice lines for serialized parts at the customer level for a specific customer.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity: