Create Credit Instant Invoice


This activity is used to create credit invoice on debit instant invoice. The function is not available if a credit already exists or if it is a credit invoice.

A preliminary credit invoice will be created. Changes can be done to the credit invoice when it is in Preliminary status before it is printed and posted to general ledger (standard process). It is possible to view the related debit or credit invoice from the Instant Invoice page by using the command View Connected Invoices. The related debit or credit invoice will be opened in a new page.

There are no restrictions for how credit invoices and correction invoices can be used together. When and how the correction invoice and credit invoice is used needs to be regulated by a process within the company.


A debit instant invoice in the PostedAuth status should exist.

It is required to specify the default invoice type for the Credit Instant Invoice function. Use the List of Values to update the Credit Instant Invoice field in the Company/Invoice/Default Invoice Types tab.

System Effects

A credit invoice is created for exactly the same amount as the debit invoice. The status of the invoice is Preliminary.