The Handle Manual Internal Ledger Postings process contains an activity diagram describing how to create manual vouchers, and an activity diagram describing how to update vouchers from the internal ledger hold table to the internal ledger.
Create Manual Internal Ledger Posting. These activities are used to enter information on a manual voucher. A voucher template can be used to facilitate entry. It is also possible to copy a voucher from the internal hold table or to copy voucher rows from a voucher in the internal ledger. Activities to enter a note for the voucher and an activity to create periodic allocation information are included as well. After a voucher has been entered it is possible to update it instantly to the internal ledger.
Update Internal Ledger. These activities are used to update the vouchers from the internal hold table to the internal ledger. The voucher to be updated must have Approved status. The updating routine can be performed on line or in batch.
Before entering information on the vouchers, the following activities can be useful:
Voucher Queries in Internal Hold Table
The following query forms can be used for retrieving information on vouchers in the internal hold table:
Voucher Queries in Internal Ledger
The following query forms can be used for retrieving information on vouchers in the internal ledger: