Linear Asset

A linear asset is a continuous asset whose length plays an important role in its design phase and maintenance phase. Such as pipelines, roads, power lines and railways. A linear asset may or may not have the same attributes, and their values can change throughout its length.

Creating and Maintaining Linear Assets

You will use the Linear Asset page to enter, change, view, or delete information for the linear asset.

You can create linear assets manually or allow the system to create them automatically. If you create them manually, you can create the object in the Linear Asset page. If you use IFS/Asset Design, you can allow the system to create the linear asset automatically when creating a design object. In that case the design object must be registered with a class that is of type linear asset.

Before setting the design object design status to Completed you must enter a site on the related linear asset. Once a site is set you limit the number of users that are allowed or restricted to see the linear asset. Segments and elements can be site specific, which means a segment or element can have a different site than the linear asset it belongs to. Hence a user can have access to see a linear asset but not see all belonging segments and/or elements.

When creating a segment or element its site will be set as the same site stated on the linear asset. It is possible to manually set another site on the segment or element if required. If the linear asset has not got a site stated, the created segment or element will by default get the site set as the user default site for the user creating the segment or element.

Site and Security Handling on Linear Assets

If a user with only access to, for example, site A is watching a linear asset registered on site A the user will not see segments, elements or elements that are placed on, for example, site B. If the linear asset on site A have a connection to a linear asset on site B, the user is allowed to see that connection and have the possibility to alter the connection. The user can not add a new connection to a linear asset on site B nor zoom to that linear asset.

Operational Statuses of a Linear Asset

When you enter and save a new linear asset, the system will set the operational status to Planned for Operation (if IFS/Asset Design is installed the first status will be Not Applicable). You can click on Operational Status, and then select the appropriate option to change the status of the linear asset. Possible values are:

Value Definition
Not Applicable (available if IFS/Asset Design is installed) The linear asset is new and not yet in use. It can also be a new revision of an existing linear asset. The linear asset can also have been transferred from IFS/Asset Design.
Planned for Operation The linear asset is new and not yet in use. It can also be a new revision of an existing linear asset.
Partially in Operation The linear asset is partially in use. At least one segment is in the status Planned for Operation or Out of Operation.
In Operation The linear asset is in use.
Out of Operation The linear asset is temporarily out of use due to activities such as routine maintenance, repair, management decision, or lack of need.
Scrapped The linear asset is scrapped and is permanently out of use.

Operational Statuses of the Segment

When you enter and save a new segment on a linear asset, the system will set the operational status to Planned for Operation. You can select a segment and click on Status button/sub command to change the status of the segment. The change in status of a segment can, in some cases, change the operational status of the linear asset itself. Possible values for the segment status are:

Value Definition
Planned for Operation The segment is new and not yet in use.
In Operation The segment is in use.
Out of Operation The segment is temporarily out of use due to activities such as routine maintenance, repair, management decision, or lack of need.
Scrapped The segment is scrapped and is permanently out of use.

Revision Status of a Linear Asset

This shows the status of the revision. This field is only visible if IFS/Asset Design is installed together with Linear Asset. Possible values are:

Value Definition
Preliminary This is a preliminary revision of the linear asset. Only one preliminary revision of a linear asset can exist at one particular moment in time.
Active This is the active revision of the linear asset. Only one active revision of a linear asset can exist at one particular moment in time.
Obsolete This revision of the linear asset is an old revision.

If IFS/Asset Design is installed and therefore the linear asset has a design object connected to it, the revision status is dependent on the combination between the design status for the design object and the operational status for the linear asset. Changing the design status is done either in Design Object page, or in Linear Asset page. The table below reflects the revision status of the latest revision, the latest revision will drive the revision status for all earlier revisions of the linear asset. Following table shows the possible combinations:

        Design Status    
    NULL Under Design Completed ReDesign Planned for Scrap
  Not Applicable Preliminary Preliminary Preliminary Preliminary Preliminary
  Planned for Operation Preliminary Preliminary Preliminary Preliminary Preliminary
Operational Status Partially in Operation Active Active Active Preliminary Active
  In Operation Active N/A Active N/A N/A
  Out of Operation Active N/A Active N/A Active
  Scrapped Obsolete N/A Obsolete N/A N/A

History of a Linear Asset

It is possible to view the Linear Asset History under three main source categories, Linear Asset, Segment and Element. Each category represent the changes done on the Linear Asset, Segments and Elements respectively. This view also contains the historical records of all Linear Asset revisions in the same place. New informational history record may be added manually by using the event type Information. Entries of other event types are always system generated and cannot be edited or deleted.

For example, possible historical event types and descriptions are,

It is further possible to enter additional information relevant to a history record by using the Add Notes menu option.