Modification Program

Before a modification program can be defined, the definition of the modification must be registered. For more information about how to define the modification, refer the online help file Modification Definition. After entering data about the modification, you may enter your modification program by assigning parts, part revisions and detailed information for each assigned part revision to the modification.

Part numbers have to be assigned to the modification. When these part numbers are entered, it has to be decided whether the modification should be executed at next visit in any workshop, at next interval maintenance or at a calculated time based on the defined operational parameter(s) or a calendar interval. To execute the modification at next visit in workshop or at next interval maintenance, you need to define the appropriate values.

If the modification is to be executed at a calculated time, based on the defined operational parameter(s) or a calendar interval, intervals for when the terminating action should be performed for this modification has to be set up. The terminating action is performing the actual modification of the serial or serial structure. It is possible to define the execution of the modification based on one or more operational parameters per assigned part. It will also be possible to define one calendar interval or unit as one of the parameters for a given part. For more information, refer the online help file Define Terminating Action on Modification. The default behavior will be to calculate due date for all operational parameters and the calendar interval, and then trigger the execution of the modification by selecting the one giving the earliest due date. It is also possible to indicate the last due date trigger execution on the part number, that the parameter that comes last should trigger the execution of the modification.

Inspections can be defined in order to determine whether the modification needs to be complied with or not. For more information, refer the online help file Define Inspections on Modification.

Information on how modifications should be executed, is defined per modification and part number.

Allowed revisions per part number for a modification must also be defined. If the modification is defined with the By Revision All Serials assignment type, all serials defined for the part number and revision entered for the modification, will be assigned. If By Serial Range is used, all serials with serial numbers defined in the serial ranges for the modification will be assigned. The serial range is not connected to the revision of the part number, only to the part number. For more information about definition of serial ranges, refer the online help file Define Serial Range.

The following table shows information for the valid modification statuses:

Modification Status Description
Preliminary At the creation of a modification revision, it is automatically set to the Preliminary status. At this stage, you can enter or modify all the details for your modification revision. Alternatively, you can delete a modification revision that exists in this status.
Active The modification can now be implemented on the assigned serials. Note: Only one revision of a modification can be in the Active status at any given time. When the modification revision is activated you cannot delete this modification. Only certain details can be updated for the modification (through the Modify Active Modification assistant). The details that can be updated are, modification category, days forewarning, duration at workshop, and the rescission date.

If the modification is of the assignment type Documentation, you can perform the required documentation updates, and sign off once these are completed.

Obsolete Obsolete modifications cannot be updated. If running maintenance events exist for this modification, it will be allowed to finish these. If decompliance is allowed for the modification revision, it will be allowed to decomply the modification for serials for which the modification has been implemented. If running maintenance events do not exist, and the modification is not referenced by other modifications, this modification revision can be deleted.

Structure impacts and post maintenance checks may also be defined for a modification.

When part revisions have been connected to a modification, you may enter references and affected parts for the modification. If the modification requires compliance with another modification, or excludes compliance with another modification, in order to be performed, this must be registered as a reference. Each part that must be worked on or inspected in order to claim modification compliance must be specified as an affected part.

If the modification leads to a part identity change on an assigned and/or affected serial, the serial will be renamed automatically when the modification (with the Terminating Action execution type) is performed and will contain the new part number and revision registered during the definition of the modification. In order to successfully perform the automatic renaming of a serial the system will perform several validations during the definition of a modification and modification program. The first validation is performed when a new part number and revision is entered on the assigned/affected part. Next validation is performed when the modification is activated. The validations are also performed when a modification event (i.e., a modification event leading to a part identity change and containing the Terminating Action execution type) is distributed to a maintenance order for execution in a work shop, when the modification event is included in a work scope and when the modification event is finished from a work order or shop order (when IFS/Complex Assembly MRO is used). Following is a list of the valid validations performed by the system:

A warning message is generated if the new part number is not a valid alternate for the new part number. You are recommended to read through this message before continuing with (or canceling) the activity. You will not be allowed to activate the modification if the manufacturer, maintenance program or maintenance group information is not valid for the new part number. 

When a modification event is due and task cards and subtasks have been registered on the event, these data are transferred to the work order when it is distributed. A work task is created per task card and subtask, and connected data such as resources, material, and sign off requirements will be transferred to the work task.