Connect a Function to an Item Code


This activity is used to connect a product model function to a deferral item code. When functions per item code are defined, the fault deferral can only be used for faults where the given function is listed in the function breakdown.

When reporting a fault, the item code is required to be defined for the part revision where the fault is reported. The function is required to belong to the product model in the top part of the structure where the part revision is installed. Refer the example given below: 

An aircraft exists with product AC, model AFA, top part number AC1, and top part revision R01. An engine exists with product ENG, model CF6, top part number 77955, and top part revision R01. A serial is generated for top part number AC1 and has serial number 123. In this serial, the engine 77955 is installed and has serial number 456. When reporting a fault on the engine, only deferral definitions that are assigned to part 77955, R01 will be valid. If the fault is reported with a function, it will be a function defined for the product AC as this is the top product for the engine structure (and not a function for the engine, even if functions are defined for product model ENG, CF6). Only deferral definitions that are assigned to a function in the aircraft will be available. This means that in this case, the item code must be associated with the engine 77955, R01 in the Revisions per Item tab. In the Functions per Item tab, the item code must be associated with product AC and model AFA.


System Effects

The item code can only be used on faults reported for a serial that is installed in the product model entered in the Functions Per Item tab.