Enter Post Maintenance Intervals for Parts


This activity is used to assign parts to the post maintenance check (PMC) definition and define post maintenance intervals per part. Post maintenance intervals can be specified as a limit for an operational parameter and/or as time elapsed since the repair. The operational parameter interval and/or calendar interval specified for the part will be used to generate PMC events.

You also have to supply the number of days forewarning the system should use for this PMC definition. The limit you enter determines the number of times a PMC event will be created.

The purpose of a post maintenance check is to perform inspections after maintenance (e.g., modification is complied with) is finished, so as to ensure that no consequences are introduced. Each post maintenance check is created as a pending event as soon as the planned event date of the check is within the given number of days of forewarning. Only one check may be pending or running at the same time for a serial and the triggering maintenance event.

You cannot assign new parts to a PMC definition that is activated. However, it is possible to update the intervals on an active PMC definition as long as there are aren't any active post maintenance checks using the definition.


System Effects