Block Pick by Choice


The Blocked for Pick by Choice is used to secure that a specific reservation record cannot be picked by choice. This means, if the reservation is blocked for pick by choice it's not possible to pick anything else than the stock on the reservation.It's also not possible to pick such a reservation from any other pick list line with pick by choice. It's possible to block for pick by choice for CO reservations, SO reservations, Shipment Order reservations and DOP reservations.
Block for pick by choice is only valid if pick by choice is allowed for the site. 

To block for pick by choice for a customer order line reservation ,shop order material line reservation, Shipment Order line reservation or DOP order reservation from the Manual Reservation page: enable Blocked for Pick by Choice option and save.

To block for pick by choice for a DOP inventory reservation or DOP temporary inventory reservation from the DOP Order page:Select a line and click Set Blocked for Pick by Choice.To remove the block, click Clear Blocked for Pick by Choice.


System Effects