Enter Packing Instruction


This activity is used to create and maintain packing instructions. This task is to be performed by a system administrator or an equivalent person.

It can also be used to add one or several handling unit accessories per node or to add characteristics to the packing instruction. A packing instruction defines how one or more handling units are connected to each other and can be described as a template informing the user how to pack. If it is required, the user can define that the packing should be filled up with empty handling units. For example, it could be useful to create even layers on a pallet for stacking. It is also possible to add a full set of empty handling units to the parent handling unit in order to make it rigid enough. The packing instructions are used in the customer order shipment process either manually or automatically. In the left pane of the page, a graphical presentation displays how the entered packing instruction will appear in the customer order shipment process.

To build a structure, use the upper table in the Nodes section. The first node entered will become the root node. However, to build an n-level structure, just create a new record and connect the nodes to each other using the parent node field or get the connection to the parent automatically by using the Add Sub Handling Unit option. The Accessories section can be used to add one or several handling unit accessories per node. The options in the upper table can be used to define a number of characteristics which are used when the packing instruction is either manually or automatically applied in the customer order shipment process. 

Note: A packing instruction can only have one root node.


System Effects