Add or Modify Asset Class


This activity is used to add or modify asset classes, which will be used to set default values for each inventory part linked to the asset class. Asset classes control several functions common to all the parts in the class. This mandatory task is to be performed by a system administrator or equivalent person.

An asset class for each inventory part must be specified, however, the asset class defined in Character and Numeric Value Default page will be used by default when new inventory part records are added. You can change this asset class. The controlling parameters that you specify for an asset class will be used by default for each part that uses the asset class. You can, however, change these default values on any individual inventory part.

The Shortage Notation option determines whether automatic shortage management will be used for the parts in this asset class. The default value is No Shortage Notation. For this functionality to operate, the Shortage Handling system parameter must be set to Yes in Parameters for Supply Chain and Manufacturing page.

The Availability Check setting determines whether an immediate availability check is made when the orders are entered or material is issued. For example, if a part has this setting enabled, and a customer order is entered for a quantity greater than what is available in inventory, then a message will be generated, indicating the shortage for the specified delivery date. The system will also set a delivery date that can be met. The default setting for this field is No Availability Check.

The Availability Check at CO Reserve setting determines whether an availability check is made before customer orders are reserved. The default setting for this field is No Availability Check.

The Online Consumption setting is used only for sales parts that are planned using Master Scheduling. When you enter or change a customer order line, the system will check for unconsumed forecasts to determine whether the order line can be fulfilled. If insufficient unconsumed forecasts exist for the part, you will receive a message.

The Reserve at order entry setting determines whether the parts will be automatically reserved when a customer order is entered. If this is set to Priority reservation, reservations for parts of this asset class will take place in the sequence that orders are entered. Partial reservations will not be made, and the system will ensure that the full quantity is available before reserving. Therefore, this setting should be carefully considered. The default setting is Normal reservation.

The Automatic Capability Check setting determines whether a capability check is run automatically when the customer order is entered. If the setting is No Automatic Capability Check, then a capability check will not be run when the customer order line is entered. In this case, a capability check can be run manually for each customer order/sales quotation line. If the option is set to anything other than No Automatic Capability Check, then a capability check will be performed automatically according to the reserve and allocation options specified. In this case, the options Make Availability Check and Online Consumption, are not allowed. The default setting is No Automatic Availability Check.

You can define values for frequency limits, lifecycle stages and whether parts have seasonal demand patterns. All inventory parts belonging to this asset class will use these limits when performing inventory part classification.


There are no specific prerequisites.

System Effects