Perform IPR Supply Plan


Use this page to manage the IPR supply plan. The page shows all of the supply plan details for the supplier and site selected in the header.

The Schedule Date field is used to filter the supply plan details by Wanted Receipt Date (only show supply plan rows with Wanted Receipt Date that is less than the Schedule Date). The Filter by Primary Supplier field can be used to further refine the search and only show supply plan lines where the primary supplier matches the supplier selected in the header.The user can select supply plan lines and convert them into purchase requisition lines by clicking Create Requisition.

Once converted, the requisition lines will then appear in the Requisition tab in the lower half of the screen. Other requisitions created from IPR Supply Plan page and from Create Order Proposal will show up in here as well. From here, they can be released and selected for conversion into a purchase order lines. The user is given the opportunity to check the total volume, weight or price for the total of the selected purchase requisition lines, which helps them to make decisions and plan the inbound logistic shipments more efficiently and effectively.


The IPR (INVPLA) module needs to be installed and the Refresh IPR job needs to be run.
Inventory Parts with Planning Method “B” must exist, and the part should be connected to a Supplier.

System Effects

Depends on the actions, Purchase Requisitions/Purchase Order Lines could get created.