Print Inventory Value Check Report


This activity is used to print a report which compares the inventory value calculation based on the transactions, with the calculation based on cost multiplied by quantity. The check report will show all inventory parts with a difference larger than the value entered in the Diff Tolerance Amount field. Before the report is created you have to specify the site and the largest acceptable difference for the two calculation methods (e.g. if you enter -1 here, you will get all the parts where the difference is zero or larger than zero).

This report has to be performed directly after the inventory part statistics has been updated, otherwise there will be differences since new inventory transactions probably have been made.

To print a report which compares the inventory value calculation based on the transactions, use Inventory Value Check Report command from Inventory Value per Period page and Inventory Value Check Report dialog will open.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, the system will print a report.