Manufacturing Execution System (MES) Integration

A Manufacturing Execution System (MES) connects production system machines to an ERP system. IFS Cloud can be used as a standalone MES solution or can be integrated with third-party systems. Examples of supported MES features:

MES Master Data integration

The integration APIs in the ManufacturingPartService and the InventoryPartService Projections enable the integration of Manufacturing Master data with a third-party system. These APIs are designed to be used together in sequence to provide the required Part information.

API Projection Description
GetParts ManufacturingPartService This API returns a list of parts and their connected Routing, Recipes structures and Product structures. The part list contains information about the structure/routing types, alternates, revisions, phase in and phase out dates.

A filter option is enabled only to return the parts which have been updated/changed within a specified number of days. This regards changes related to the specific part within the database tables for the Main Master Part tab and the Main Inventory Part tab, Routing Header, Routing Alternate, Routing Operation, Routing Tool, Routing Guidelines, Structure Header, Structure Alternate, Structure Components or Structure Guidelines. Deleted lines are not considered in this time filter.
GetPartStructureInformation ManufacturingPartService Given the input of part number, structures type, alternate and revision; product structure information is returned. This includes component information and related work guidelines.
GetPartRecipeStructure ManufacturingPartService Given the input of part number, structures type, alternate and revision; recipe structure information is returned. This includes component information and related work guidelines.
GetPartRoutingInformation ManufacturingPartService Given the input of part number, routing type, alternate and revision; routing infomation is returned. This includes operation infromation and the related work guidelines and tools. This API does not support configurable parts.
GetPartInformation InventoryPartService Returns inventory part master data and inventory part characteristics. This can be filtered to return all parts on a site, a specific part or parts based on recent changes.

Refer to the technical documentation & API Explorer for more information.

Outbound Communication

A shop order operation can generate an outbound message to a machine, effectively instructing the resource to start or stop. The Send IoT Events to Device option within the Work Center must be enabled, and a Device ID should be linked to the Work Center Resource via the Device Map. When Machine Time is started or stopped on an operation, it generates an Application Message. This message contains the operation ID. The IFS Connect functions Routing Rule and Routing Address can be used to enrich the message via the "Get Operation Info" API and pass it on to external machines.

Refer to the technical documentation for more information.

 Shop Floor Connector Projection

To automate Shop Order activities and quality reporting, these APIs can be used:

Refer to the technical documentation & API Explorer for more information.

Machine Instructions

The Work Guideline type Machine Instruction can hold information used by the machine in the production process. This data can be fetched with the "Get Operation Info" API.

Production Schedule Connector Projection 

These APIs can be used to automate Production Schedule activities:


Refer to the technical documentation & API Explorer for more information.