Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a standard used to measure manufacturing productivity by identifying the percentages of manufacturing time that is truly productive. An OEE score of 100% means only good parts are produced (100% Quality), as fast as possible (100% Performance), with no stop time (100% Availability).

To calculate the OEE value, the three underlying factors of Availability (A), Performance (P) and Quality (Q) must first be calculated. The OEE value is then calculated as:


OFF Factors

OEE Calculation

In IFS Cloud, OEE is calculated for work center resources over a period of one workday according to the work center calendar. I.e., all time and quantity transactions registered on a work center resource from shop order and production schedule reports with the same transaction date are considered in the OEE calculation.


Availability is the time the machine is planned for production but was stopped with a downtime cause classified as availability loss, or was reporting setup. The value is calculated as:


Planned Production Time is calculated as:

Planned Production Time

Actual Production Time is calculated differently depending on the option selected when the calculation was ordered:

Option A:

Actual Production Time A

Option B:

Actual Production Time B


Performance represents the quantity the machine actually produced relative what it ideally could have produced during the actual production time. This can also be expressed as the time it ideally should have taken to produce the actual quantity relative the time it actually took. The value is calculated as:


Ideal Production Time is calculated as:

Ideal Production Time 

Note: If you setup the run factor of the operation to reflect the ideal cycle time, the Efficiency value defined for the operation can be adjusted to a value less than 100% to plan with a slower, more realistic cycle time.


Quality represents the ratio between good parts produced relative the total quantity produced. The value is calculated as:


Good Quantity is calculated as:

Good Quantity

Total Effective Equipment Performance

Total Effective Equipment Performance (TEEP) is a measure closely related to OEE that measures the performance against total calendar hours whilst OEE only considers the planned production time.

TEEP is calculated as:


Utilization is calculated as:

