Adjust Shop Orders Need Date to Demand


Use this activity to automatically update the need dates for a set of shop orders for specified parts at given sites and with given configurations. The need dates are updated to the dates/times when the projected quantities goes negative for the shop orders parts.

In the automatic adjustment process all shop orders for the selected parts at given sites and with given configurations, with need dates not later than the number of days from today specified in the Time Horizon, with Demand Source set to Invent Order and with the specified statuses are considered. The adjustment process is executed according to the following order:

Each shop order will be adjusted according to the following logic. If there is a projected negative balance for the shop order part prior to the shop order due date/time, given the below mentioned parameters controlling the balance calculation, the need date is updated to the date/time when the projected quantity goes negative. If the part has Plan Manufacturing Supply on Due Date enabled, the need date will be updated considering both the date and time of the earliest demand where the projected quantity goes negative, else only the date is considered.

If the shop order has pegged demands, only those will be considered when calculating the projected quantity. If the shop order is not pegged to any demand, demands without peggings are considered.

The calculation will also consider below parameters set on the Inventory Parts Intraday Availability page:

The shop orders need date are adjusted using the Adjust Shop Orders Need Date to Demand dialog. To access the dialog, first open the Inventory Parts Intraday Availability page and specify the Time Horizon, Include Only Firm Supplies, Include Only Firm Demands and Include Usable Qty in Balance parameters. Then select the parts at the given sites and with the given configurations you want to adjust the shop orders for and click Adjust Shop Orders Need Date to Demand. In the Adjust Shop Orders Need Date to Demand dialog, select which statuses the shop orders should have in order to be adjusted. After clicking OK, the shop orders need dates are automatically adjusted.


System Effects