Analyze Employee Qualifications


This activity is used to analyze the availability and the demand for employee qualifications. In manufacturing operations, it is possible to define employee qualification profiles for both setup operation and to run an operation.

The Employee Qualification Demand Details page is used to view the employee qualification demands created by different load sources. The load sources are: DOP UnreleasedKanbanManualMaster ScheduleMRPMS AdditionalNext Level DemandPMRPProduction ScheduleProject Master SchedulePromise Shop OrderReordering PointResource Break and Shop Order.

The Employee Qualification Demand page is used to view a graph displaying the daily or weekly employee qualification demand and the availability during a specified time interval. The demand in the graph is calculated using the open manufacturing operations, which has the employee qualification requirements defined. A demand that goes above the availability line is an overload.

The Person Qualification Availability Details page is used to view the person qualification availability details.

Using above three pages, you can analyze the availability and the demand for the employee qualifications.


System Effects

As a result of this activity the system displays the employee qualification demand and availability.