Connect Handling Unit to Shop Order


Use this activity to connect an existing handling unit to a shop order. A handling unit is a device that can be handled physically and may carry/contain other handling units or items in a structure.

The handling unit can be connected both directly under the shop order node (top level) or on a level below an already existing handling unit creating a handling unit structure. When receiving the shop order, the finished products can be attached and received to stock using the handling units connected to the shop order.

If you want to possible sub-levels of the handling unit to be connected to the shop order, sub-levels of the handling unit to be connected to the shop order, enable the Include Sub Levels option.

To perform this activity from Shop Floor Workbench page, expand the relevant operation and use the command from the Handling Units tab.


A handling unit not already connected to a shop order or a shipment must exist.

System Effects