Create Shop Order Report
Use this activity to print a report of information about a shop order.
The report can be printed using below methods:
- From the navigator, open the Create Shop Order Reports
assistant, add one row for each shop order, click
Next and enable the Shop Order option.
- From the Order Report page, select the
line for Shop Order report, click Order Report
and enter the relevant report parameters.
- From the Shop Order,
Disposition Shop Order or Shop Orders
page, select relevant order(s), click Reports
and then Create Reports. In the assistant, enable the
Shop Order option.
- From the Shop Floor Workbench page, select
the relevant operations and click Create Reports. In
the assistant, enable the Shop Order option.
- From the Operation Guide assistant opened
from Shop Floor Workbench, click
Create Reports. In the assistant, enable the Shop Order
This activity requires that a shop order exists.
System Effects
- The system prints a report of information about a shop order.
- The Shop Order Report field in the Reports
section on the Shop Order page will indicate the report as