Drag and Drop Scheduling in Smart Manufacturing Planning Board (SMPB)


This activity is used to Drag and Drop or Fix the Shop order operations that are already scheduled by MSO. These manual changes should be made by a Responsible Planner based on Business requirements, such as manufacturing demand changes, production requirements or any other occurrences in a dynamic manufacturing facility.

After loading finite scheduled Shop Order data into the Smart Manufacturing Planning Board (SMPB), results are shown based on Finite resource assignments performed by the MSO scheduling service. This is a perfectly aligned schedule created by the MSO scheduling service, considering resource capabilities, and balancing resource capacities, including all finite and infinite aspects of the Resources. MSO has already made all possible optimizations into the Scheduling results, considering all other constraints, to schedule shop order operations within EPST & LPST of shop order operations.

Interactive changes made by the User may create an overloaded or unbalanced situation. Additionally, setting selected Shop Order operations as 'Fixed' also may unbalance the Finite schedule created by MSO.

To perform any change, 'Insert mode' should be enabled using the Command given in the SMPB header section. Once enabled, User can perform any drag and drop action to any selected shop order operation.

are key changes that User can make in the 'Insert mode' of SMPB.

All these changes are selectively reversible with the 'Revert Unsaved Changes' command given in the 'Unsaved Fixed Orders' pane in SMPB.

After performing all interactive actions, the User can commit those changes to the database by executing he 'Finite schedule' action. This can be done by selecting the 'Finite Schedule' command in the header section of SMPB. If the User wishes to revert all changes at once, the User can quite from Insert mode without executing any Finite schedule action.


Specific Site related MSO dataset should be enabled, and finite scheduled by the MSO Scheduling Service.

System Effects

MSO scheduling service should be configured and the MSO dataset for the Site should be set.