Selective Finite Schedule Shop Orders


Use this activity to schedule sub set ( "Selective" ) of shop orders in MSO static scheduling mode,.

This activity is not applicable for MSO automatic scheduling mode as MSO create finite schedule for shop orders as an when they are created or modified

The schedule is created for the selected shop orders and optimized baed on:

In this activty only the selected shop orders are schedlued. Non slected shop orders , irrespective of their scheduling status, will not be subjected to the schduling process.

Selective finite schedule can be executed on any set of shop orders based on planners choice. The set could be a shop order, shop orders, shop orders in a work center, production line, department. Manufacturing visual planning chart segments which represent any specific group by can be scheduled selectively using this activiy. Shop Order operation scheduling Gantt/ shop order operation objects also has this option to selectively schedule them.


System Effects

As a result of this activity a selective finite schedule is created and saved back to he database. The the order of execution ( schedule sart and fininish times) will be set. Upon loading to shop floor work bench , these operations will be visible for shop floor workers in the order that they are scheuled for them to execute.