Simulate Multilevel Material Availability


Use this activity to check the availability of a part and its components based on a specific need date and quantity. Only plannable and buildable alternates with Structure Type set to Manufacturing and Purchase can be selected for this simulation, and only component parts with Part Type set to Purchased, Purchased (raw), Manufactured or Manufactured Recipe will be considered. The data can be sorted by Revision No in descending order.

To perform this activity, configure below options in the Simulate Options section, then click Simulate Material Availability:

Once the calculation completed, the list will show the availability of each part in the structure. The Availability Message field helps in determining whether or not to create new supplies for the given part. The messages and the respective indications are as follows:

Select Show Shortages Only to display only the parts for which there is a material shortage, i.e. components for which the projected quantity on hand on the required date is less than zero.


System Effects

The system calculates the availability of the selected part under user-specified simulated conditions.