Unissue Shop Order Material Manually


This activity is used to manually return a material previously issued shop order material to a selected inventory location. You can unissue any quantity, but not more than already issued. When you unissue material, you must consider either FIFO (first in, first out) or LIFO (last in, first out).

To unissue material, click Material Actions and then Manual Unissue. Select one or more issue transaction to unissue and click Location to Unissue. Enter the Qty to Unissue field on the relevant inventory location(s). If you select more than one issue transaction, the dialog will iterate over all selected transactions.

If Catch Unit Enabled has been enabled for the part, the catch quantity should be specified for the amount you need to unissue.  

When all material has been received, unissue of material on a shop order for a tracked item will not be allowed. If an unissue is needed, the received material should be unreceived first.


This activity requires that material be issued.

System Effects