View Operation Guide


Use this activity to view information required to perform a specific shop order operation using the Operation Guide dialog available from the Dispatch List on the Shop Floor Workbench page.

The header section displays basic information about the operation, ongoing activities and the progress of the operation. If characteristic(s) have been connected to the work center and part/shop order, up to 3 characteristic values are displayed as dynamic fields.

Following sections are dynamically visible depending on the information connected to the operation. Sections will be hidden if they do not contain any information. The lists in these sections can be viewed in list view, table view or card view. The card view displays media connected to the related object, or LU's linked to the object using Object Connections Transformation page.


This section is used to view documents connected to the shop order operation, or LU's linked to the shop order operation using Object Connections Transformation page. This could typically be work instructions or drawings used when performing the operation.


This section is used to view media connected to the shop order operation, or LU's linked to the shop order operation using Object Connections Transformation page. This could typically be images of the produced part, or an assembly instruction video.

Instructions and Subtasks

This section contains work guideline instructions and subtasks connected to the shop order operation. If the guideline is of type Machine Instruction it will not be visible here. If the guideline is of type Subtask, it can be signed off and/or inspection signed off by clicking Sign Off or Inspection Sign Off. Signed off subtasks are hidden by default, but can be made visible by selecting Show: Signed Off / Inspection Signed Off.

Material Instruction and References

This section contains material work guidelines of either type Instruction or Reference connected to shop order material lines. By default only instructions and references for the material lines connected to the operation are displayed, but all shop order instructions and references can be made visible by selecting Show for All Materials.


This section is used to view materials required to perform the operation. By default only materials connected to the operation are displayed, but all materials can be made visible by selecting Show All Materials. You can take actions on the material lines such as reserve, issue and report component scrap.

Disassembly Components

This section is used to view disassembly components produced in the operation. By default only disassembly components connected to the operation are displayed, but all disassembly components can be made visible by selecting Show All Disassembly Components. You can take actions on the disassembly component lines such as receive and report scrap.


This section is used to view by-products produced in the operation. By default only by-products connected to the operation are displayed, but all by-products can be made visible by selecting Show All By-Products. You can take actions on the by-product lines such as receive.


This section is used to view and report usage of tools connected to the shop order operation.

Control Plan Inspections

This section contains analysis result lines for control plan analysis results that exists for the shop order operation. You can enter and complete inspection results. Completed analysis result lines are hidden by default, but can be made visible by selecting Show Completed.

Tracked Structure

This section is used to create and view the shop order tracked structure. You can assign tracked components to the parent where it was assembled and change existing assignments.


System Effects