View Reservation and Backflush Availability


This activity is used to view the reservation and backflush availability for a shop order material line.

The list will show all inventory locations from where this material line is allowed to be reserved and/or backflushed and the available quantity on each location. Select whether you want to filter the list to show all locations, only locations available for reservation, or only location available for backflush in the Inventory Locations drop-down. Reservation/backflush will follow in the order as seen in the Hierarchy Level field.

All parameters that affect the reservation and backflush logic are also displayed in this dialog.


A shop order which is not in the Closed status should exist.

System Effects

As a result of this activity the system displays the locations for each level in the hierarchy for reserve and backflush on the shop order. For each location, the available inventory is displayed and in the tree view, an icon is displayed indicating whether the location is included or not in the reservation or backflush logic.