View Shop Floor Workbench


Use this activity to view operations and related information from the Shop Floor Workbench page.

Header Section

The header shows the current employee/team, filter options and badge indicators for ongoing indirect and downtime. Actions not related to shop order operations such as team clockings and reporting of indirect and downtime can be performed from here.

Dispatch List section

The dispatch list shows operations to be performed. You can filter the operations to display using below Filter by methods. The default value is fetched from the identified employee, or team. In anonymous reporting mode the default is fetched from the user as defined in Shop Floor Reporting User Settings per Site:

The dispatch list can also be viewed using card view.

By selecting the relevant operation(s) the assistant Operation Guide can be opened. Also reporting activities such as start-stop time, report scrap and report completed quantities can be performed. Default values for settings in the Approve Operation assistant such as Backflush and Auto Report Operations can be controlled from the Shop Floor Reporting User Settings per Site page. 

By clicking the paper clip icon, media and document attached to the ShopOrderOperation LU, as per the pre-configured settings on the the Object Connection Transformations page can be displayed. This can be used to access drawings and work instruction files. When other LU´s are connected they are listed for each tab below.

Operation Details tabs

The tabs below with operation related information can be accessed by expanding an operation using the caret down icon:


System Effects